12/12/1962 Female Adoptee Searching for Birthfather/birthsibling(s) New York
(too old to reply)
2006-11-05 19:48:49 UTC
First name : Julia
Last name : Lewis
Name of placement agency : Family Services of Westchester
Address of agency : Portchester, NY at present time, was White Plains
at time of birth
Name of social worker : Shirley Zaret (now retired)
Last contact with agency : 8/2004
Court of adoption finalization : ? Does anyone know how I may receive
my adoption information from the courts upon request in Westchester,
NY? I have tried to request to no avail, and or reply.
Non identifying information : Found birthmother 8/2/2004. Birthmother
died of breast cancer 8/2/1987. Birthfather unknown. Would appreciate
help in finding him and or half siblings. Birthmother Anna Marie
Meehan- Zima. My dob: 12/12/1962. Adopted name: Julia Russo (Judy)
Birthmother informed no one of birthfathers name. It maybe only on
birth certificate and or possibly known at the Adoption Agency. If he
wishes no contact, I would appreciate health/medical/ancestry
information. I am a nurse and that sort of thing concerns me a great
deal. I have been told that my mother dated a Tommy Yates for a year
and a half prior to my birth. I have been unable to find Tommy Yates
for any sort of verification. I was told my birthfather left NY in
early 1962. My birthmother went to California to find him and inform
him of the pregnancy. I have been told two stories. One that
birthfather was with someone else at the time when Anna Marie
confronted him about the pregnancy and that he or his family "paid" her
off to disappear. The other story was that birthfather was never
informed of pregnancy once she found out he was engaged to someone
else. Shirley Zaret may know the correct story. But I am unable to
find her to ask her questions. She is a lovely person who in 1981 told
me about my birthmother and remembered her vividly. She was unable to
give me contact information at the time. I spent the next 23 years
trying to search for Anna Marie and now 25 years searching for my
Birthname: Mary Margaret Meehan
Baptised at Saint Mary's Hospital. Sponsers: Florence Carroll (unable
to locate) and Ida Mae McGuiness (found obituary online in 2004, this
was definately her) The obituary stated she was a retired nurse
supervisor at Saint Mary's during the timeframe of birth. I have been
uable to find Florence Carroll. Female/male?
Probably another nurse.
I have two half siblings that decline contact. I have a an Uncle Jimmy
who declines contact. I am in contact with my Aunt Patty from Atlanta.
But she has limited information pertaining to who my birthfather
is/was. I was in contact with one of her friends Rosalie Pasquerella.
But she died on Easter 2005. Aunt Patty stated that she felt it might
be Tommy Yates. Rosalie stated to me that birthfather paid her off to
disappear, etc. Aunt Patty is alive and well but unable to tell me any
other information due to marrying a military man and living out of
state for many years during 1960-present.
Yes, I know alot. But still not enough. I would like to know who my
father is if possible. I have been told that birthfather is "filthy
rich" which may hindered me finding him. I have no intention for
monetary gain other than a possible meeting and or my medical/heritage
information. Which is invaluable to me. I missed meeting my
birthmother. I would like the opportunity of meeting my birthfather,
atleast once. I would even be greatful for an anonymous reply to
receive heritage/medical information.
And yes I have written a book, literaly pertaining to my search as well
as find. It was cathartic for me. It may help other in there search
process. If you would help me. I would be eternally grateful.
I have yet to publish it. I probably won't publish due to being
personally an act of love and longing for my birthfamily. If anyone
would like a copy, it may help you through some of the tough times in
your own search. Just email me with a request. I seek no monetary
gain for my efforts. Only my ancestry and medical information if
Correspondence : Received non id information from Shirley Zaret in
1981. Spoke with her again in 1985 and 1987. She told me to watch out
for breast cancer at the time. But gave me no other contact
information. In 1998, I spoke with another social worker. Left
contact information in my file with confidentiality releases. In 2005,
I spoke with Dayna another social worker who sent me non id information
upon request. It gave me no other information other than my
birthfather was imprisioned for forgery. Date unknown of
imprisionment. "At a well known prision" as per non id. Registered
with NYS Reunion Registry. Which gave limited informaiton. They also
informed me that I am unable to access my information due to her being
deceased. Which doesn't make any sense to me. If she is dead, who can
it harm now? Even if they leave out the identifying information of my
birthfather. I know who my birthmother/birthfamily on my Meehan side
are now. You can probably find me online in your brower without much
difficulty. I am everywhere.....
Kinsloving investigations informed me that they are unable to access
NYC vital records. And that in all probability my birthfather is not
on the birth certificate. I will continue to search until closure or
opening of orginal birth certificates in New York occur. Or upon my
own demise, oneday. Afterall, I have my children's health to be
concerned about as well.
Birthname : Mary Margaret Meehan
Adoptive name : Julia Russo
Birthmother name : Anna Marie Meehan, aka Ann Zima
Adoptive mother name : Mary Ann
Birthfather name : ?
Adoptive father name : Richard Ignacious Russo (deceased)
Adoptee birth certificate number : xx-xx-xx5935
Birth certificate filing date : 7/9/1964

I would like to find peace in my search process as well as closure, if
Birthfather, if you wsh no contact - Please leave my information at the
time of your death, even anonymously......and thank you for giving me
2018-09-11 16:44:06 UTC
Hi! My name is Kacie Sattler, it seems that your mother and my grandfather were brother and sister! I’m so sorry to hear about your loss but if I’m honest it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one in the Meehan family who doesnt know about much of where they came from! Although I don’t hold any information about your father, and this was posted in 2006, if you have any idea about an uncle you had, possibly Thomas, that also had a secret baby please email me back. Thank you so much for your time! Also! I’ve been in contact with Patricia Meehan, not the aunt but your cousin from your uncle William. She doesn’t know much but she did mention an aunt Pattie who had a cousin confront her about the Meehan family secrets haha is that you? If so I’m very impressed with my detective skills!
2018-12-12 04:26:01 UTC
Post by a***@ymail.com
Hi! My name is Kacie Sattler, it seems that your mother and my grandfather were brother and sister! I’m so sorry to hear about your loss but if I’m honest it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one in the Meehan family who doesnt know about much of where they came from! Although I don’t hold any information about your father, and this was posted in 2006, if you have any idea about an uncle you had, possibly Thomas, that also had a secret baby please email me back. Thank you so much for your time! Also! I’ve been in contact with Patricia Meehan, not the aunt but your cousin from your uncle William. She doesn’t know much but she did mention an aunt Pattie who had a cousin confront her about the Meehan family secrets haha is that you? If so I’m very impressed with my detective skills!
You are correct Kacie. It is possible that Uncle Tommy had a child out of wedlock. He died as a young man. William also had a child. His wife divorced him and left with a female child. He died apparently tragically according to Elizabeth Patricia Meehan who is one of the daughters of Thomas Meehan, Sr. Anna Marie Meehan-Zima died in 1987 of breast cancer. And apparently breast cancer runs frequently within this families line. Also the possibility of ectopic pregnancy in the female gene pool. This family is seriously horrible people and they showed me actually why Anna'Marie' Meehan gave me up to adoption. My adoptive mother stated that she lost me due to abandonment and neglect and never made this statement prior to me until this year before she died. I am unsure if my mother stated this to me in anger to sever forevermore from this biological family or not. I know that she was sorry that she encouraged me to try to find out my medical history information at medical doctors request in 2003. My mother was very upset about how this family treated me as well as her own as she died tragically due to four sides of horrible vicious nasty ugly people. They lied to fictionalize attack and terrorize me. And my mother died due to these seriously ignorant little people. And I did do my research as far as family history information on all four sides of my biological and adoptive families. I also did research on my children's sperm donors family. I investigated everything that I could and was informed to research. You must be aware that their were famous welterweight boxers from the 1920s to 30's under the Meehan namesake. There was also a famous Irish musician of the 1920's and 30s named Edward Meehan and he was known as one of the masters of irish music of his timeframe in fiddle, violin, flute and accordian. His sister in law was Anna Marie's and Elizabeth 'Patty" Meehan Higgins mother and she was known to play beautiful fiddle of irish music. The serious problems of this family has been horrifying for me. Anna Maries daughter Jacqueline Zima is a complete insane maniac. And I am unsure how we are related in the genetic pool for you and me, but please understand that my endeavors to find out information about my biological mother has been extremely tragic to my life due to this whacko Jacko. She is an admitted Schizophrenic that stated that he father raped her while they got drunk and drugged up one night. She is also incestual. This woman is a complete insane lunatic. And people have offered to kill this woman for me and all that are and were involved with her upon my life and my family. She admittedly stated that she was inferior, jealous and envious of me. I wrote a book in regards to my research about Anna Marie Meehan and this book was attacked by these seriously insane people who believe that they deludedly know me and have known me without ever knowing me at all. I knew that editors were after my book for themselves. And I did a great deal of research on this book. It was also an extremely brilliant piece of work by me. And I am sorry that I cannot share this book with you, but I did try to destroy this book due to these seriously extremely insane little people. I also designed a play and a music piece and also designed many poems and short stories that these insane maniacs attacked by all fabrications pertaining to themselves as psychotic psychopaths and sociopaths. And this family is supposedly known for such illnesses both medically emotionally and psychologically. I did this research thoroughly. Hopefully, this information will help you in some manner? I do not want to frieghten you but please beware of these psychotic lunatics as people. Also in the Meehan genre their was this box that Saint Meehan had during a family feud in Ireland. He was stated to be a healer and named saint due to his abilities. He separated this box which apparently had one of the original copies of the bible in it written and used this box for his healings. To stop the feud between his two families he separated this box. He gave the box to one side and the top of the box to the other side to end the wars between themselves in circa 600 ad. William was stated to be a horse whisperer and jockey at the racetrack and William Sr was a blacksmith in Westbury LI. I hope this is helpful to you. It seriously wasn't for me due to these severely psychotically insane people. They self manufactured their attacks and terrorisms of the nonexistent. And they horrible vicious little pathetic people. They are the most pathetic little people in this world to me. And they do have sexual problems and religious absurdities and unrealities in regards to me and themselves that are nonexistent in their severe lunacies. They believed that they know me as religious lunactics without knowing my religion. They are right wing extremists and seriously have no idea nor clue in their obliviousness who and what I am and have been for the past 56 years. I am a fabrication of themselves that doesn't exist. And honestly I am very grateful that I am a different species than any and all of these quacker lackers of insanities. These people have been seriously judeged to all be killed by millions of people for their psychotic actions and behaviors upon my life. And honestly my mother Mary Russo just died due to these extremely insane severely ignorant overt inferior jealous and envious littlest of people.
2018-12-12 05:09:14 UTC
Post by M***@gmail.com
First name : Julia
Last name : Lewis
Name of placement agency : Family Services of Westchester
Address of agency : Portchester, NY at present time, was White Plains
at time of birth
Name of social worker : Shirley Zaret (now retired)
Last contact with agency : 8/2004
Court of adoption finalization : ? Does anyone know how I may receive
my adoption information from the courts upon request in Westchester,
NY? I have tried to request to no avail, and or reply.
Non identifying information : Found birthmother 8/2/2004. Birthmother
died of breast cancer 8/2/1987. Birthfather unknown. Would appreciate
help in finding him and or half siblings. Birthmother Anna Marie
Meehan- Zima. My dob: 12/12/1962. Adopted name: Julia Russo (Judy)
Birthmother informed no one of birthfathers name. It maybe only on
birth certificate and or possibly known at the Adoption Agency. If he
wishes no contact, I would appreciate health/medical/ancestry
information. I am a nurse and that sort of thing concerns me a great
deal. I have been told that my mother dated a Tommy Yates for a year
and a half prior to my birth. I have been unable to find Tommy Yates
for any sort of verification. I was told my birthfather left NY in
early 1962. My birthmother went to California to find him and inform
him of the pregnancy. I have been told two stories. One that
birthfather was with someone else at the time when Anna Marie
confronted him about the pregnancy and that he or his family "paid" her
off to disappear. The other story was that birthfather was never
informed of pregnancy once she found out he was engaged to someone
else. Shirley Zaret may know the correct story. But I am unable to
find her to ask her questions. She is a lovely person who in 1981 told
me about my birthmother and remembered her vividly. She was unable to
give me contact information at the time. I spent the next 23 years
trying to search for Anna Marie and now 25 years searching for my
Birthname: Mary Margaret Meehan
Baptised at Saint Mary's Hospital. Sponsers: Florence Carroll (unable
to locate) and Ida Mae McGuiness (found obituary online in 2004, this
was definately her) The obituary stated she was a retired nurse
supervisor at Saint Mary's during the timeframe of birth. I have been
uable to find Florence Carroll. Female/male?
Probably another nurse.
I have two half siblings that decline contact. I have a an Uncle Jimmy
who declines contact. I am in contact with my Aunt Patty from Atlanta.
But she has limited information pertaining to who my birthfather
is/was. I was in contact with one of her friends Rosalie Pasquerella.
But she died on Easter 2005. Aunt Patty stated that she felt it might
be Tommy Yates. Rosalie stated to me that birthfather paid her off to
disappear, etc. Aunt Patty is alive and well but unable to tell me any
other information due to marrying a military man and living out of
state for many years during 1960-present.
Yes, I know alot. But still not enough. I would like to know who my
father is if possible. I have been told that birthfather is "filthy
rich" which may hindered me finding him. I have no intention for
monetary gain other than a possible meeting and or my medical/heritage
information. Which is invaluable to me. I missed meeting my
birthmother. I would like the opportunity of meeting my birthfather,
atleast once. I would even be greatful for an anonymous reply to
receive heritage/medical information.
And yes I have written a book, literaly pertaining to my search as well
as find. It was cathartic for me. It may help other in there search
process. If you would help me. I would be eternally grateful.
I have yet to publish it. I probably won't publish due to being
personally an act of love and longing for my birthfamily. If anyone
would like a copy, it may help you through some of the tough times in
your own search. Just email me with a request. I seek no monetary
gain for my efforts. Only my ancestry and medical information if
Correspondence : Received non id information from Shirley Zaret in
1981. Spoke with her again in 1985 and 1987. She told me to watch out
for breast cancer at the time. But gave me no other contact
information. In 1998, I spoke with another social worker. Left
contact information in my file with confidentiality releases. In 2005,
I spoke with Dayna another social worker who sent me non id information
upon request. It gave me no other information other than my
birthfather was imprisioned for forgery. Date unknown of
imprisionment. "At a well known prision" as per non id. Registered
with NYS Reunion Registry. Which gave limited informaiton. They also
informed me that I am unable to access my information due to her being
deceased. Which doesn't make any sense to me. If she is dead, who can
it harm now? Even if they leave out the identifying information of my
birthfather. I know who my birthmother/birthfamily on my Meehan side
are now. You can probably find me online in your brower without much
difficulty. I am everywhere.....
Kinsloving investigations informed me that they are unable to access
NYC vital records. And that in all probability my birthfather is not
on the birth certificate. I will continue to search until closure or
opening of orginal birth certificates in New York occur. Or upon my
own demise, oneday. Afterall, I have my children's health to be
concerned about as well.
Birthname : Mary Margaret Meehan
Adoptive name : Julia Russo
Birthmother name : Anna Marie Meehan, aka Ann Zima
Adoptive mother name : Mary Ann
Birthfather name : ?
Adoptive father name : Richard Ignacious Russo (deceased)
Adoptee birth certificate number : xx-xx-xx5935
Birth certificate filing date : 7/9/1964
I would like to find peace in my search process as well as closure, if
Birthfather, if you wsh no contact - Please leave my information at the
time of your death, even anonymously......and thank you for giving me
Furthermore, I do apologize for these truthful factual statements pertaining to these extremely uneducated, inexperienced, untrained, unknowledgable irrational extremely insane pathetic littlest of idiots. They believe in the nonexistent. They called and treated me as if I am someone else like themselves. And millions of people are in agreement with me against these psychotically insane littlest of people. They are deludedly insane, hallucinatory insane, allusional insane, illusional insane, arrogantly insane and grandiose insane. If you want to investigate your genetic line, I potentially can fill in what you may not be aware of honestly and factually. William was a drunk and homeless man who apparently went insane after WW2. He died in the care of his sister Elizabeth 'Patty' Meehan and she is a right wing extremist Catholic who has heard her husbands voice inside her home speaking to her for years and I did hear his voice and it freaked me out in her home straight out of all of these people to ever exist in my life where they do not belong and never will nor did. These are admittedly insane little pathetic people to me. And this is what they have caused upon my life where not one of these people belong nor ever did. And will not. These people seriously went insane due to things that I was unable to explain for myself. Such as healings that I did witness in my nursing professional career for over 30 years now. I literally witnessed healings myself. Restored health to many people. Witnessed things that are unexplainable . And I did have to review all of the lunacy by many people constantly throughout my life at my mothers request. These people called me deludedly insane by stating factual truthful statements that are unexplainable to me. Like what my mothers death encompassed. I warned my mother that she was to fall and harm herself. She stated that she would ask for a Personal care aide for her care. I warned the healthcare facility and I did warn my children. I informed the nurses in her care that it was imperative that she be provided 24 hour supervision services to prevent this fall. These people disrespected my warnings and my mother did fall and fracture her spine and died of malnutrition and dehydration as I did warn these people that she would also. My mother died tragically due to these insane people and this was due to what people have stated since I was a child that I am genius and they have stated as teams of doctors and nurses starting in 1993 that I am genius and expert in the healthcare industry. Most of my patients have stated this to me for the past 30 years. And this all is alarming to me because they would treat and call me this and then in the next moment at perfection they would find some little thing to complain about in that perfection. They would find the nonexistent at perfection. And as my mother died tragically due to these insufficient incompetent inept littlest of people, I found a way as her and hopefully my last hospice patient to enable my mother to die in the peace and dignity that she deserved and earned in her life as I have done immensely well for thousands of people at the time of their deaths. These people have in their psychotic mindsets of who they manufactured in their miniscule littlest of thought processing that seriously doesn't exist and never existed and they prove to be immensely psychotically insane. These people do not belong anywhere near me as the most insignificant unimportant people to me. I am providing you this information against these people. Hopefully, if you have any any gifts that are unexplainable to you, this may or maynot provide you with some of the insights that I have decided to provide to you. This is who I am. This is who I have been for the past 56 years against these valueless people to me. They are maniac predator terrorists and unknowledgeable of who I am and have been and can only speculate in their little minds of who I am not and have not been due to their limitations. And their limitations continue to this day. They attacked my creative genius also. Not just the scientific genius in regards to myself. Scientifically, I have been told this for decades with my educational process. Creatively I have been told this since I was a small child. My mother Mary was a very creative woman. And she would inspire that creativity on a regular basis. My biological mother Anna Marie was stated to be a brilliant woman. Her daughters Ann Marie Lynch and Jacqueline Zima have been stated as not brilliant women and seriously deranged and demented by their families. And now I am convinced that they seriously are as women. These are absurd and unrealistic lunatics as people. And they do and did prove these facts. All of these people do and have to me. They are full of psychotic issues problems and dysfunctions with themselves that I do not want nor need anything to do with. Did not and will not. And I did confront and reject these insane maniacs repeatedly with truthful facts against themselves that does exist and has existed. If you find that you have psychic abilities in any manner shape or form those psychic abilities have been known to be in this families line genetically for centuries. The problem is that these people lack those psychic abilities and seriously believe that they do not when repeatedly proving to me that they do and have no psychic abilities instead. What has alarmed me the most is how my mother died in the moment that she did. And it has been a serious problem for me throughout my career as a registered professional nurse. I had to find a way for my mother to tackle the abilities that I do have and have had to reach the threshold that I have been able to accomplish for so many in lieu of that loving mother named Mary. In nursing school, my instructors informed me that they wanted me to treat my patients as if they were my mother father sisters brothers cousins instead of strangers. And its been the love that Mary Russo had in her life while dying pitying the world that I tried to have my mother instead try to focus on herself as the most important person to herself instead in order to survive as she requested of me to save her life. These psychotic deranged demented littlest of idiots were apathetic in my mothers death. And they disrespected the genius and expert in healthcare who is me. I am to finally accept this fact stated by so many for three decades. I am humbled by these people recognizing in me what I simply did in the love of this beautiful woman named Mary. Not Anna Marie. These people do not know me. Did not and seriously will not. And I prefer this. They are unworthy to be allowed to know my name. This is firm and there is no negotiations against these maniacs who are seriously obsessed with themselves at my expense. They believe that MY LIFE is about themselves that is NONEXISTENT.